Canvas Account for Parents
How do I sign in to Canvas as a parent to view my student's courses?
Parent Canvas accounts have already been created for you. To access your account, request a new password please go to and click the Forgot password button on the page.
Afterwards you can enter in the E-mail address you registered with Seton Catholic Preparatory.
How does my son or daughter log into Canvas?
Students do not log in the same way as parents. This is due to how we synchronize user accounts. In order for students to log in they must either log into MySeton or Access Canvas from within email. Click here to view instructions for student sign in on the student Canvas page.
How can I observe a second, third, fourth child on my account?
All of your students should already be added to your account. If you do not see your child please send a help desk ticket to the email: [email protected]
What if I forgot my password?
Click on the "Don't know your password" link on the login screen at An email with reset permissions will be sent to the email address you used to sign up for the account.
Seton staff will not have access to your password.
What can I do as an observer?
Read announcements and discussions, see assignments, preview documents, see the syllabus page, download some files, see course modules, and see grades for each class your child is enrolled in.
What can I NOT do as an observer?
The observer role does not allow parents to upload assignments, take quizzes, post to discussion forums, modify content, etc.
Is there an app?
Yes, a Canvas app is available for both iOS and Android devices. However, you need to create your observer account on the browser before you can log in using the app.
Where can I get help?
You can get help in one of two ways. First, you can access the Canvas Help Guides at The Canvas Help Guides provide easy, step-by-step instructions with screenshots of how to access and use Canvas. This link provides help with navigating your observer account:
The second option is that you can send an email to Seton IT at [email protected].